Christian Bale
Bale worked consistently through the 1990s, acting and singing in Newsies (1992), Swing Kids (1993), Little Women (1994), The Portrait of a Lady (1996), The ...
Christian Bale
Christian Bale. Actor: The Dark Knight. Christian Charles Philip Bale was born in Pembrokeshire, Wales, UK on January 30, 1974, to English parents Jennifer ...
Christian Bale Filmography and Movies
Year, Title, Role. 2023, The Boy and the Heron (2023), Shoichi Maki. 2022, Thor: Love and Thunder (2022), Gorr. 2022, Amsterdam (2022), Actor, Producer.
Christian Bale
Christian Bale, Welsh-born English actor who was known for his portrayals of complex psychologically tormented characters. Notable movies included Little ...
Christian Bale, English Actor
Christian Bale is an English actor. He rose to fame in 1987 when he starred in Steven Spielberg's 'Empire of the Sun.' Bale's most famous films include ...
Christian Bale Says He's Almost Done With Physical Transformations. ... ^ Ross, Martha. Christian Bale goes from 'American Psycho' to Dick Cheney with new role.